DB Version Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 6/18/2010

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 6/18/2010.

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Purchase Order Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Release Date: 6/18/2010

Program Version: 1.666.10.0

Program Date: 6/15/2010

Database Version:

Database Date: 6/18/2010


1. After creating a void eTrans record, the submission date displayed on the resulting eTrans record (transaction type 15) was the last effective date, even if the user entered a different date. This has been corrected and the submission date entered by the user will now display on the void eTrans record.

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > Create Void eTrans for PIC icon

Purchase Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 4/28/2010

Database Version:

Database Date: 6/18/2010


1. After importing a purchase order into the Accounts Payable program, and the purchase order was only partially received, the quantity of the items in the partially received purchase order was incorrectly displaying in the Purchase Order program. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu > Receive PO > Browse Purchase Orders screen > Maintain Purchase Order screen > Detail tab > Quantity fields

Work Orders

Program Version:

Program Date: 5/17/2010

Database Version:

Database Date: 6/18/2010


1. The Work Orders program now allows you to manage work orders electronically in the field, using a portable handheld device called the “Pocket PC.”
2. We have added the ability to assign remedies (or work codes), and fixed work order charges to specific job codes. The new work codes are the same as standard/fixed work order charges, which means you are also assigning a fixed charge to the job code, as well.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Job Code > Browse Work Order Job Codes screen > Maintain Job Code screen > Work Code Mapping tab

3. You are now able to assign open work order service requests to specific work order employees using the new Maintain Employee Assignment screen. Note: For more information on the process, please consult the Assigning Employees to Work Order Service Requests Quick Start Guide which can be downloaded from the Tenmast client web site:http://clients.tenmast.com/programs/WO/WO.asp

Path: Main Menu > Assign Work Order > Maintain Employee Assignment screen

Note: Before you can assign work orders to employees, an agency administrator must first enable access to this task within the Master Setup program to the appropriate users.

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Maintain Work Order Tasks screen > Maintain WO Employee Assignment task (under the Maintain Group)

4. For ease of viewing, we have moved the work order service request (job code) information from the Main tab of the Maintain Work Order screen to the new Service Request Detail tab of the same screen.

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Order screen > Service Request Detail tab

Note: A summary of the work order's service request (job code) information will still display on the Main tab.

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Order screen > Main tab > Service Request Summary (located at bottom of tab)

5. You have the choice to either show or hide four new fields that have been added to the Maintain Work Orders screen: Account Number, Source, Smoke Detector? (Yes or No), and Reporter (who reported the problem). You can choose to show or hide this information using a new policy setting in the Setup area of the program. The policy description is “Yes = Show more information on Maintain Work Order screen; No = Hide information from Maintain Work Order screen.”

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

Note: In most cases, if your agency uses the Work Order handheld device (Pocket PC), you would choose to show these fields.

6. For use in the new Work Orders Pocket PC program, you are now able to set up the data areas and developments to which work orders will be mapped/assigned.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Data Area and Development > Work Order Data Area and Development Mapping screen

Note: Before you can set up data area and development mapping, an agency administrator must first enable access to this task within the Master Setup program to the appropriate users.

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Maintain Work Order Tasks screen > Maintain Data Area Development Mapping task (under the Setup Group)

7. For use in the new Work Orders Pocket PC program, you are now able to add causes for work orders.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Causes > Maintain Work Order Causes screen

Note: Before you can set up work order causes, an agency administrator must first enable access to this task within the Master Setup program to the appropriate users.

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Maintain Work Order Tasks screen > Maintain Causes task (under the Setup Group)

8. For use in the new Work Orders Pocket PC program, you are now able to add shifts for work order employees.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Shifts > Maintain Work Order Shifts screen

Note: Before you can set up work order causes, an agency administrator must first enable access to this task within the Master Setup program to the appropriate users.

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Maintain Work Order Tasks screen > Maintain Shifts task (under the Setup Group)

9. You are now able to color code work order priorities in order to quickly and easily view the priorities of your work orders.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Priority > Maintain Work Order Priority screen > Color drop-down list

After setting work order priority colors, the work order records will then display in the specified colors on the Browse Work Orders screen.

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen

10. We have added five new fields to the Maintain Work Orders screen to help you gather more needed information: Dispatch To (the work order employee to whom the work is assigned), Account Number, Source, Smoke Detector? (Yes or No), and Reporter (who reported the problem).

Path: Main Menu > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Order screen > Main tab > Dispatch To drop-down list/Account Number textbox/Source drop-down list/Smoke Detector? drop-down list/Reporter textbox

Note: The Dispatch To field offers your agency's list of work order employees which you maintain in the Setup area of the program.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Employee > Browse Employees screen > Maintain Employee screen

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An MRI Software Company